Topiyeca S.A. DE C.V. (TOPIYECA GRAPITHE COMPANY) with RFC TOP060623N78 with address at calle Jalisco #653, Colonia Centro, Ciudad Obregón, Cajeme, Sonora, México CP 85000, is responsible for the use and protection of your personal data and in this regard informs you the following:
1. The personal data we collect from you, we will use for the following primary purposes necessary for the service you request.
2. The personal data we collect from you, we will use for the following secondary purposes for the requested service which are not necessary, but allow and facilitate better service.
In case you do not want your personal data to be processed for secondary purposes, this will not be a reason for us to deny you the products you wish to buy from us. Indicate with an x in case you do not want your personal data to be used in the following secondary purposes.
3. To carry out the primary purposes described in this privacy notice, we will use the following personal data.
4. To carry out the secondary purposes described in this privacy notice, we will use the following personal data.
This privacy notice may undergo modifications, changes or updates derived from new legal requirements; of our own needs for the products or services we offer; of our privacy practices; changes in our business model, or other causes. We promise to keep you informed about the changes that this privacy notice may undergo, through our website: